The Beaver
The Beaver
IMDb 6.6,
MGG 7.3

The Beaver

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Full HD
90 minutes
Walter Black is a successful businessman, happy husband and father. He has one misfortune - depression spoils his existence. Fullness and joy of life are returned in Walter's life by a beaver puppet. Putting it into the hand, Walter got his second wind. The talking beaver restores peace in his relationship with his wife, it makes Walter an idol of children and even takes control of the company. Relatives and friends are shocked by Walter's erratic behavior, but he himself does not know who is more important - he or the beaver.
Walter Black is a successful businessman, happy husband and father. He has one misfortune - depression spoils his existence. Fullness and joy of life are returned in Walter's life by a beaver puppet. Putting it into the hand, Walter got his second wind. The talking beaver restores peace in his relationship with his wife, it makes Walter an idol of children and even takes control of the company. Re


Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Lituano, Ruso, Ucraniano, Uzbeko


Azerbaiyano, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso