Battle for Terra
Battle for Terra
IMDb 6.5,
MGG 6.9

Battle for Terra

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Full HD
79 minutes
When on Earth all the rivers dried up, forests have disappeared, and the air turned to dust, people traveled the galaxy to find a new home. A beautiful planet Terra was the hope of people for salvation. A clever device Terraformer should turn Terra into a paradise for people and a nightmare for the indigenous population. Disaster for Terra dwellers is inevitable, they are doomed. The account goes on days and hours. And everything would go according to the plan, if a coincidence didn't happen. A girl from Terra, Moloo, picks a wounded pilot - the earthling. They become best friends and together find a clever way to save Terra - the last living planet of the Galaxy. They do not suspect that soon they will be in the center of violent, dangerous, hilarious and amazing events...
When on Earth all the rivers dried up, forests have disappeared, and the air turned to dust, people traveled the galaxy to find a new home. A beautiful planet Terra was the hope of people for salvation. A clever device Terraformer should turn Terra into a paradise for people and a nightmare for the indigenous population. Disaster for Terra dwellers is inevitable, they are doomed. The account goes


Inglés, Georgiano, Lituano, Ruso, Russian with audio description, Ucraniano


Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano