Bolt & Blip: Battle of the Lunar League
Bolt & Blip: Battle of the Lunar League
IMDb 6.2,
MGG 6.4

Bolt & Blip: Battle of the Lunar League

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Full HD
76 minutes
2080, Earth. Thanks to the efforts of a brilliant scientist Dr. Tommy all wars stop on the planet and people began living without any worries! At the same time, on the Moon the robots Bolt and Blip accidentally become members of a sports team "Robots of Thunder," which is on the last line in the standings of the games of Lunar League. With the help of their new friends Bolt and Blip become champions of the League. But they suddenly find out that the Moon and Earth are threatened by Dr. Tommy's archenemy - Dr. Blood. "Robots of Thunder" will have to disrupt Dr. Blood's plans to conquer the universe and save the Earth and the Moon from destruction!
2080, Earth. Thanks to the efforts of a brilliant scientist Dr. Tommy all wars stop on the planet and people began living without any worries! At the same time, on the Moon the robots Bolt and Blip accidentally become members of a sports team "Robots of Thunder," which is on the last line in the standings of the games of Lunar League. With the help of their new friends Bolt and Blip become champio


Inglés, Ruso, Russian with audio description, Ucraniano


Georgiano, Kirguís, Ruso, Ucraniano