The Lincoln Lawyer
The Lincoln Lawyer
IMDb 7.3,
MGG 8.1

The Lincoln Lawyer

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Full HD
118 minutes
Mickey Haller is a brilliant and lucky lawyer from Los Angeles, whose bright image and lifestyle are perfectly complemented his favorite car "Lincoln". The next thing - attack of a rich client Louis Roulet on a prostitute - at first seemed to be easy, and he easily won acquittal for the defendant. But Mickey soon realizes that his client is hiding the truth. While Holler is trying to bring Roulet to light, he is framed by high stakes, and now the threat of prison hangs over by Holler.
Mickey Haller is a brilliant and lucky lawyer from Los Angeles, whose bright image and lifestyle are perfectly complemented his favorite car "Lincoln". The next thing - attack of a rich client Louis Roulet on a prostitute - at first seemed to be easy, and he easily won acquittal for the defendant. But Mickey soon realizes that his client is hiding the truth. While Holler is trying to bring Roulet


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Ruso, Russian with audio description, Ucraniano, Uzbeko


Azerbaiyano, Rumano, Ruso