Episodio 1
The Last Templar
IMDb 4.5,
MGG 6.3

The Last Templar

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86 minutes
France. 1290. The Catholic Church, with the support of King Philip the Fair, announces the Templar Knights as heretics and begins a relentless hunt for them. Rescuing the matter of the Order, the Grand Master of the Knights gives Martin and Aymara a priceless artifact. To hide it from the King and the Pope's minions, the knights go to the shores of the Holy Land. And now, already for eight centuries Auction Hunters have been desperately seeking for traces of one of the most important treasure of the Templars...
France. 1290. The Catholic Church, with the support of King Philip the Fair, announces the Templar Knights as heretics and begins a relentless hunt for them. Rescuing the matter of the Order, the Grand Master of the Knights gives Martin and Aymara a priceless artifact. To hide it from the King and the Pope's minions, the knights go to the shores of the Holy Land. And now, already for eight centuri




Ruso, Ucraniano