Jungle Cruise
Jungle Cruise
IMDb 6.6,
MGG 7.2

Jungle Cruise

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Full HD
122 minutes
Archaeologist Lily Houghton gets her hands on a map of the upper Amazon with wit and skill to go in search of a magical tree. According to legend, its flower can heal any ailment. The heroine hires a guide, who is the captain of a small steamer, and also takes her younger brother with her. Amazing adventures await them...


Inglés, Checo, Hungarian, Polish, Ruso, Ucraniano


English (forced), Bulgarian, Bulgarian (forced), Checo, Czech (forced), Estonio, Hungarian, Hungarian (forced), Kazajo, Letón, Lituano, Polish, Polish (forced subtitles), Romanian (forced), Rumano, Ruso, Russian (forced subtitles), Slovak, Slovak (forced), Ukrainian (forced subtitles)