Revenge of the Green Dragons
Revenge of the Green Dragons
IMDb 5.3,
MGG 6.0

Revenge of the Green Dragons

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Full HD
90 minutes
Two immigrants brothers Sonny and Steven move to New York to find American dream. In search for a better life, they join Chinatown gang “The Green Dragons”. Quickly rising up the ranks, Sonny recklessly falls in love with the wrong girl, and his brothers become his enemies. He sets out for revenge on the gang that raised him and made him what he has become. Brothers’ American dream comes true, but is that really what they wanted?
Two immigrants brothers Sonny and Steven move to New York to find American dream. In search for a better life, they join Chinatown gang “The Green Dragons”. Quickly rising up the ranks, Sonny recklessly falls in love with the wrong girl, and his brothers become his enemies. He sets out for revenge on the gang that raised him and made him what he has become. Brothers’ American dream comes true, but


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Ruso


Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano