The Golden Eshelon
IMDb 6.4,
MGG 6.3

The Golden Eshelon

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94 minutes
1919. Civil war in Siberia. General Kilchak wants to take an advantage of a complete mess around to bring abroad a part of country’s gold reserves. At the last moment, the Bolsheviks learn about his plans. The decide to intercept the train, but their plan suffers a defeat… But there still is a chance. Only Nadya, a girl who is passionately in love with the train master can save the situation. Several kilometres of railroad tracks to the border become a battleground between the white and the red.
1919. Civil war in Siberia. General Kilchak wants to take an advantage of a complete mess around to bring abroad a part of country’s gold reserves. At the last moment, the Bolsheviks learn about his plans. The decide to intercept the train, but their plan suffers a defeat… But there still is a chance. Only Nadya, a girl who is passionately in love with the train master can save the situation. Seve

