Chicken Little
Chicken Little
IMDb 5.7,
MGG 8.2

Chicken Little

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Full HD
77 minutes
The movie is based on an old story about a Chicken that cried that sky was landing on his head when it was raining. A year passed since he has been trying to overcome the shame and continue living as if nothing had happened. But, unfortunately, few want to be friends with him, so he hangs out with the same outcasts as he is. But one day, a bad thing happens! But who will believe the Chicken after he had failed? Now the future of a planet depends on the Runt of the Litter, the Ugly Duckling, a mutant Goldfish and the Chicken Little, no one wants to have deal with…
The movie is based on an old story about a Chicken that cried that sky was landing on his head when it was raining. A year passed since he has been trying to overcome the shame and continue living as if nothing had happened. But, unfortunately, few want to be friends with him, so he hangs out with the same outcasts as he is. But one day, a bad thing happens! But who will believe the Chicken after


Inglés, Checo, Hungarian, Polish, Rumano, Ruso, Slovak, Ucraniano


Bulgarian, Checo, Estonio, Hungarian, Letón, Lituano, Polish, Rumano, Ruso, Slovak