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English in Songs. What to Sing for Christmas? Analysis and Translation of Christmas Songs Into English.
English in Songs. What to Sing for Christmas? Analysis and Translation of Christmas Songs Into English.
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English in Songs. What to Sing for Christmas? Analysis and Translation of Christmas Songs Into English.
English in Songs. What to Sing for Christmas? Analysis and Translation of Christmas Songs Into English.
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Full HD
19 minutos
The authors of the video have prepared the most Christmas instructional and entertaining video for viewers. Yulia Kravchenko combines holiday cheer, vocabulary, and analysis of four of the most popular Christmas songs. In particular, she explains how to correctly pronounce the name of the band performing Last Christmas and more.
Knowledge testThe authors of the video have prepared the most Christmas instructional and entertaining video for viewers. Yulia Kravchenko combines holiday cheer, vocabulary, and analysis of four of the