The Flash
The Flash
IMDb 6.7,
MGG 8.2

The Flash

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Full HD
138 minutes
While working in his lab during a storm one night, a bolt of lightning strikes a tray of chemicals soaking police scientist Barry Allen with its contents. After that he discovers an ability to develop fast speed and overcome the speed of light. Barry decides to become a superhero and use his powers for the good of society. The residents of Central City call his the Flash. But there are those who do not fond of the new guardian of the law. Criminals decide to deal with the Flash once and for all putting devious traps in order to destroy the super-fast hero…
While working in his lab during a storm one night, a bolt of lightning strikes a tray of chemicals soaking police scientist Barry Allen with its contents. After that he discovers an ability to develop fast speed and overcome the speed of light. Barry decides to become a superhero and use his powers for the good of society. The residents of Central City call his the Flash. But there are those who d


Inglés, Polish, Ruso, Ucraniano


Inglés, Polish, Polish (forced subtitles)