The Fourth Kind
The Fourth Kind
IMDb 5.9,
MGG 6.6

The Fourth Kind

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Full HD
98 minutes
For many years people have been missing in Alaska and their number is increasing. All attempts to investigate these misses have failed. FBI reached a deadlock. Abigail Tyler, a psychiatrist, decides to shed light on these strange events. She conducts interviews with people and reviews old video records. The more she digs the more she becomes convinced that Alaska was chosen by alien guests to fulfill their unknown purposes...
For many years people have been missing in Alaska and their number is increasing. All attempts to investigate these misses have failed. FBI reached a deadlock. Abigail Tyler, a psychiatrist, decides to shed light on these strange events. She conducts interviews with people and reviews old video records. The more she digs the more she becomes convinced that Alaska was chosen by alien guests to fulf


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Ruso, Ucraniano


Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Kirguís, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano