The Bezonians
The Bezonians
IMDb 4.5,
MGG 3.8

The Bezonians

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Full HD
98 minutes
Plato is a proud club owner and family man. He enjoys socializing with the various people who frequent his business, including Anthony, a mentally retarded young man with a tragic past, Achilles, a quiet and dangerous young man, and Taz, a wild guy with a Mohawk. Everything goes smoothly between them, but because of a careless gambling move, the heroes encounter a ruthless debt collector named Willard.
Plato is a proud club owner and family man. He enjoys socializing with the various people who frequent his business, including Anthony, a mentally retarded young man with a tragic past, Achilles, a quiet and dangerous young man, and Taz, a wild guy with a Mohawk. Everything goes smoothly between them, but because of a careless gambling move, the heroes encounter a ruthless debt collector named Wil


Inglés, Ruso, Ucraniano, Ukrainian with audio description

