Hot Seat
Hot Seat
IMDb 4.3,
MGG 6.8

Hot Seat

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Full HD
94 minutes
Orlando is a former hacker who is forced to take up his old job again when he finds himself being targeted by a mysterious cyber-terrorist. A series of explosions across the city proves that whoever is behind this is not joking. Orlando has to complete a series of tasks because not only his life but also the lives of his loved ones are at stake, and time is running out. Both the police and the bomb squad are convinced that Orlando is the mastermind behind this explosive game.
Orlando is a former hacker who is forced to take up his old job again when he finds himself being targeted by a mysterious cyber-terrorist. A series of explosions across the city proves that whoever is behind this is not joking. Orlando has to complete a series of tasks because not only his life but also the lives of his loved ones are at stake, and time is running out. Both the police and the bom


Ruso, Ucraniano, Uzbeko

