The Croods
The Croods
IMDb 7.1,
MGG 9.3

The Croods

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Full HD
98 minutes
The Croods is an ordinary family, living in the era when there are no governments, and frightening prehistoric monsters are wandering around instead of cars. When their home is destroyed by a natural disaster, the Croods are forced to look for a new home, turning for help to the Guy. Although the head of the family disapproves his views on life, he is forced to bear with it for the sale of survival.
The Croods is an ordinary family, living in the era when there are no governments, and frightening prehistoric monsters are wandering around instead of cars. When their home is destroyed by a natural disaster, the Croods are forced to look for a new home, turning for help to the Guy. Although the head of the family disapproves his views on life, he is forced to bear with it for the sale of surviva


Inglés, Estonio, Letón, Lituano, Ruso, Ucraniano


Estonio, Letón, Lituano, Ruso, Ucraniano