Guardians of Oz (Sign Language)
Guardianes de Oz (Sign Language)
IMDb 4.6,
MGG 5.2

Guardians of Oz (Sign Language)

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Full HD
84 minutes
Do you remember how it all began? Once upon a time in the Land of Oz there was a young girl named Dorothy. She managed to defeat the Wicked Witch of the West, and the Good Witch Glinda helped her to return home. Dorothy’s friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Courageous Lion became the rulers of Oz. Everything was great in the magic land until Glinda out of kindness decided to give the Wicked Witch another chance. Her powers were enchased in a broomstick, which was handed to the Rulers. But the Wicked Witch is wicked even without her powers… The famous childhood story continues, told by a small flying monkey, which actually can’t fly and doesn’t want to serve the Wicked Witch.
Do you remember how it all began? Once upon a time in the Land of Oz there was a young girl named Dorothy. She managed to defeat the Wicked Witch of the West, and the Good Witch Glinda helped her to return home. Dorothy’s friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Courageous Lion became the rulers of Oz. Everything was great in the magic land until Glinda out of kindness decided to give the Wi



