Silver Linings Playbook
Silver Linings Playbook
IMDb 7.7,
MGG 7.6

Silver Linings Playbook

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Full HD
122 minutes
After his wife lefts him, Pat’s life dramatically changes. He moves to his parent’s house and loses all his friends. It would seem that things could not be worse, but life always surprises at moments when you least expect it. He meets Tiffany. A touching and funny story, that makes everyone to have a look at things from a different point of view.


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Letón, Lituano, Ruso, Russian with audio description, Ucraniano, Ukrainian with audio description


Azerbaiyano, Estonio, Georgiano, Kazajo, Kirguís, Letón, Lituano, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano