Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget
IMDb 4.2,
MGG 5.7

Inspector Gadget

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Full HD
75 minutes
All his life John Brown has been has been dreaming of becoming the greatest cop in history. After a terrible explosion, John finds himself in a secret laboratory where he gets transformed into a perfect servant of the law, Inspector Gadget. He is a perfect machine to fight crime, who will catch anyone no matter where he is hiding or how fast is he running away. But a new supervillain appears, an exact copy of Inspector Gadget!
All his life John Brown has been has been dreaming of becoming the greatest cop in history. After a terrible explosion, John finds himself in a secret laboratory where he gets transformed into a perfect servant of the law, Inspector Gadget. He is a perfect machine to fight crime, who will catch anyone no matter where he is hiding or how fast is he running away. But a new supervillain appears, an


Inglés, Ruso

