Episodio 15
IMDb 7.7,
MGG 7.9


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Full HD
21 minutes
Egyprus tells the story of a mystical civilization, lost in time and space that finally returns to Earth. Egyptus are amazing creatures, endowed with magical superpowers, who are in a constant fight for the Kingdom. Two brothers are fighting with each other. The first one is Kefir, who fights on the good side. The cruel Eksaton is fighting for the bad side, preparing the army for the final battle. A boy named Leo got accidentally involved in war, having inherited the endless power of the Last Pharaoh. When Leo leans about his power his life dramatically changes. Finding himself between the two worlds (good and evil), he learns to cope with critical situations not only in the world of magic, but also in everyday life.
Egyprus tells the story of a mystical civilization, lost in time and space that finally returns to Earth. Egyptus are amazing creatures, endowed with magical superpowers, who are in a constant fight for the Kingdom. Two brothers are fighting with each other. The first one is Kefir, who fights on the good side. The cruel Eksaton is fighting for the bad side, preparing the army for the final battle.




Georgiano, Kirguís, Ruso, Ucraniano