Confidential Informant
Confidential Informant
IMDb 3.9,
MGG 5.1

Confidential Informant

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Full HD
88 minutes
Tom Moran is a detective with nothing to lose. He is terminally ill and is determined to retire for the maximum benefit of his family - to die in the line of duty. He contacts dangerous people to fake his own death but becomes embroiled in an even deeper conspiracy. It turns out he's not the only one who dreams of using the system: the top police are also involved in dirty dealings. Well, now Tom simply has no choice: before he dies he must do something really important for the city and the law.
Tom Moran is a detective with nothing to lose. He is terminally ill and is determined to retire for the maximum benefit of his family - to die in the line of duty. He contacts dangerous people to fake his own death but becomes embroiled in an even deeper conspiracy. It turns out he's not the only one who dreams of using the system: the top police are also involved in dirty dealings. Well, now Tom


Inglés, Ruso, Ucraniano