Red Dog
Red Dog
IMDb 7.3,
MGG 8.0

Red Dog

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Full HD
92 minutes
There is a mining settlement inhabited by harsh people who are not particularly fond of active socializing. Suddenly, a red dog of the Kelpie breed appears in the settlement. The energetic dog brings life into the sleepy existence of the locals. The pet is loved by all the inhabitants, although he does not obey anyone, and with his help, someone finds happiness, love, friends, and faith in a bright future.
There is a mining settlement inhabited by harsh people who are not particularly fond of active socializing. Suddenly, a red dog of the Kelpie breed appears in the settlement. The energetic dog brings life into the sleepy existence of the locals. The pet is loved by all the inhabitants, although he does not obey anyone, and with his help, someone finds happiness, love, friends, and faith in a brigh


Inglés, Ucraniano