Haunted Mansion
Haunted Mansion
IMDb 6.0,
MGG 6.6

Haunted Mansion

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Full HD
117 minutes
One day, Gabbie, who is a single mother, buys a mansion. Soon, the woman unexpectedly begins to see ghosts in the dwelling. In this situation, the heroine decides to banish the dark forces from her house, inviting a priest, a psychic, a guide, and a historian.


Inglés, Bulgarian, Checo, Hungarian, Polish, Rumano, Ruso, Slovak, Ucraniano


Bulgarian, Bulgarian (forced), Checo, Czech (forced), Estonio, Georgian (forced), Hungarian, Hungarian (forced), Kazajo, Letón, Lituano, Polish, Polish (forced subtitles), Romanian (forced), Rumano, Ruso, Russian (forced subtitles), Slovak, Slovak (forced), Ucraniano, Ukrainian (forced subtitles)