Zoria — Breiðablik

Zoria — Breiðablik

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Kick-off on 14.12.23 22:00.

In the fifth round, the Black and Whites suffered a defeat in Ghent, conceding three goals by the fifty-fifth minute, 1-4. Five out of ten shots from the guys missed the target. The bronze medalist of the UPL committed more fouls (15-10). The former Icelandic champion clashed with Maccabi Tel Aviv at Kópavogsvöllur, ending in a 1-2 loss. The hosts conceded the second goal closer to the end of the second half. The Greens attempted eleven shots on goal but only managed to hit the target twice. Arnason's team actively violated the rules (18-7).

Watch the Zoria — Breiðablik match online; the opponents met in the first round in Reykjavik at the Laugardalsvöllur stadium. Back then, the Luhansk team proved stronger, winning 1-0. The Black and Whites are in third place in Group B (four points). The Ukrainian team started the group stage with a draw against Ghent, 1-1, and lost both matches to Maccabi (1-3, 2-3). Hordiyev contributed to three goals out of six.

The Men kicked off the European season in the fourth round of the Europa League qualifying, being eliminated by Prague's Slavia (0-2, 2-1). The defeat in the last round was the tenth away loss among UPL/Top League representatives against Belgian opponents. Watch the Zoria — Breiðablik match online.

Guerrero stated that Zorya will fight for the club's prestige and hopes to win to go on vacation in a good mood. According to Tsyhanyk, Kostyshyn may lead the Luhansk team, but later Ruslan stated that no one had contacted him. Sharan is among the candidates. Kryvbas' defender Denys Kuzyk mentioned that he previously attended training camps with the Black and Whites, but cooperation did not materialize.

Breiðablik, along with Chukarichki, have yet to earn points in the group stage. Also, both teams, along with Beşiktaş, have the weakest defense (fourteen goals conceded). The Greens lost to Maccabi in Tel Aviv, 2-3, and twice to Ghent (0-5, 2-3). Svantesson has scored two goals and provided an assist. Watch the Zoria — Breiðablik match online.

Kick-off on 14.12.23 22:00. In the fifth round, the Black and Whites suffered a defeat in Ghent, conceding three goals by the fifty-fifth minute, 1-4. Five out of ten shots from the guys missed the target. The bronze medalist of the UPL committed more fouls (15-10). The former Icelandic champion clashed with Maccabi Tel Aviv at Kópavogsvöllur, ending in a 1-2 loss. The hosts conceded the second

