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Learning Spanish with Cable girls
Learning Spanish with Cable girls
This video is perfect for those who have at least a small base of knowledge of Spanish and want to learn new words and phrases.
The video uses excerpts from the series "Las Chicas del Cable". Each excerpt will be played three times: the first time for familiarization, the second time to listen to the phrase, then I will give the translation and explanation of the words and phrases, and finally the last time, to consolidate the material.
After completing the video, you will be able to:
- Increase your Spanish vocabulary
- Hear the language in a more natural environment
- Learn how to use movies, series and songs to diversify and speed up your language learning
The lesson is taught by Anna-Sofia Hulina, a philologist of foreign languages, owner of a Youtube channel for learning Spanish and a big fan of 'language' challenges.
Join our community, there is a lot of useful information and help in learning Spanish here: https://t.me/+syikkEXjWHQwNDFk