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On Identity by Yosyf Zisels
On Identity by Yosyf Zisels
What is identity, and how is it formed? What is the difference between European and Eurasian identity? What is Ukrainian identity? What is civic identity, and what factors influence its formation? What is important for Ukrainians to do to build a European identity?
These and other questions are answered by Yosyf Zisels, executive co-president of the Association of Jewish Public Organizations and Communities of Ukraine, executive vice president of the Congress of National Communities of Ukraine, dissident, human rights activist, political prisoner of Soviet camps, member of the First December Initiative Group.
The project “In Search of Identity” was created by the educational organization “Cultural Project”. It helps Ukrainians reboot their knowledge of Ukrainian history and culture, find out the reasons for the events that are taking place today, and find answers to questions about the roots of their own identity.