Man on a Ledge
Man on a Ledge
IMDb 6.6,
MGG 7.5

Man on a Ledge

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Full HD
102 minutes
A former policeman is accused of a crime he didn’t commit. In protest, he decides to jump off the roof of a high-rise to attract attention of the police, the media and ordinary New Yorkers. A police detective is trying to talk the man down, while he was collecting his thoughts standing on the edge of the roof. At the same time, thieves are attempting to steal unique diamonds in the building across the street.
A former policeman is accused of a crime he didn’t commit. In protest, he decides to jump off the roof of a high-rise to attract attention of the police, the media and ordinary New Yorkers. A police detective is trying to talk the man down, while he was collecting his thoughts standing on the edge of the roof. At the same time, thieves are attempting to steal unique diamonds in the building across


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Letón, Lituano, Ruso, Ucraniano, Uzbeko


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Estonio, Lituano, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano