Ballerina UHD
Ballerina UHD
IMDb 6.7,
MGG 7.6

Ballerina UHD

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89 minutes

Make a pre-order not to miss the premiere of ‘Ballerina’. You can watch the movie right after its premiere on MEGOGO on April 14, 2017. The movie will be available on all your devices: PC, Smart TV Samsung, LG and Philips, iPhone and iPad.

A poor orphan dreams of becoming a ballerina. In search of happiness she comes to Paris in the late 19th century and meets a boy, willing to go to great lengths to help her achieve her goal.
Make a pre-order not to miss the premiere of ‘Ballerina’. You can watch the movie right after its premiere on MEGOGO on April 14, 2017. The movie will be available on all your devices: PC, Smart TV Samsung, LG and Philips, iPhone and iPad.A poor orphan dreams of becoming a ballerina. In search of happiness she comes to Paris in the late 19th century and meets a boy, willing to go to great lengths


Azerbaiyano, Estonio, Georgiano, Lituano, Rumano, Ruso, Russian with audio description, Ucraniano