The Cold Light of Day
The Cold Light of Day
IMDb 4.9,
MGG 5.9

The Cold Light of Day

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Full HD
93 minutes
After coming to Spain together with father, mother and brother to stay for a while Will Shaw became a witness of kidnapping his own family. Will`s father, who has been working for USA government for all his life, succeeded in escaping out of the trap. He knows his professional activity cause this abduction, so he tries hard to solve the problem. However, accidentally a usual American guy – Will Shaw – has to sort out the questions, controlled by secret agencies.
After coming to Spain together with father, mother and brother to stay for a while Will Shaw became a witness of kidnapping his own family. Will`s father, who has been working for USA government for all his life, succeeded in escaping out of the trap. He knows his professional activity cause this abduction, so he tries hard to solve the problem. However, accidentally a usual American guy – Will Sh


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Letón, Lituano, Ruso, Ucraniano, Uzbeko


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Estonio, Lituano, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano