Episodio 13
Social life

Social life

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49 minutes
Katya Osadchaya continues to acquaint the audience with all the details of high life. There are dizzying parties, guest nights and real carnivals, festivals and broadcast premieres, and haute couture. In short, you are again going to see the dizzying and alluring world of luxury and glamor shine. Secular lions and lionesses tell to the extravagant and always unpredictable Katya Osadchaya new secrets from behind the scenes of the lives of public people, because she does not hesitate to ask frank questions.
Katya Osadchaya continues to acquaint the audience with all the details of high life. There are dizzying parties, guest nights and real carnivals, festivals and broadcast premieres, and haute couture. In short, you are again going to see the dizzying and alluring world of luxury and glamor shine. Secular lions and lionesses tell to the extravagant and always unpredictable Katya Osadchaya new secre

