Chicago Fire
Chicago Fire
IMDb 8.0,
MGG 8.3

Chicago Fire

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The series tells about one of the most dangerous professions – about firefighters. Men and women show courage and heroism, but this does not save them from personal worries and tragedies. The protagonist, Casey, is a born firefighter, with leadership qualities, although after parting with a girl, he looks at the world differently, and he constantly conflicts with his colleague.

This TV series from the PictureBox collection will be available until May 14.

The series tells about one of the most dangerous professions – about firefighters. Men and women show courage and heroism, but this does not save them from personal worries and tragedies. The protagonist, Casey, is a born firefighter, with leadership qualities, although after parting with a girl, he looks at the world differently, and he constantly conflicts with his colleague.This TV series from


Inglés, Ruso

