Episode 10. The Baptism
Big Love
IMDb 7.7,
MGG 7.5

Big Love

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Full HD
51 minutes
The family which consists of a husband, three wives and seven children lives in a large house. While the man earns money, women are busy with the housework and upbringing of children. Moreover, they are trying to establish a timetable for of nights for their husband. It is rather difficult for one to feed three families, to divide love between wives and to pay attention to all children. But despite the difficulties they live together and support each other.
The family which consists of a husband, three wives and seven children lives in a large house. While the man earns money, women are busy with the housework and upbringing of children. Moreover, they are trying to establish a timetable for of nights for their husband. It is rather difficult for one to feed three families, to divide love between wives and to pay attention to all children. But despit


Inglés, Ruso

