Black Panther
Black Panther
IMDb 7.3,
MGG 7.0

Black Panther

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Full HD
129 minutes
After the discovery of metal deposits in Wakanda, which can absorb vibration, a threat hung over the inhabitants of this country. Those, who wished to be enriched, carried destruction and death. According to legend, a mysterious warrior, Black Panther, protected these places from uninvited guests. Now, Prince T'Challa has to become Black Panther to save his people.


Inglés, Checo, Hungarian, Polish, Ruso, Ucraniano


Bulgarian, Checo, Czech (forced), Estonio, Hungarian, Hungarian (forced), Letón, Lituano, Polish, Polish (forced subtitles), Rumano, Ruso, Russian (forced subtitles), Russian SDH, Slovak, Ucraniano, Ukrainian (forced subtitles)