The Girl in the Fog UHD
La ragazza nella nebbia UHD
IMDb 6.8,
MGG 7.3

The Girl in the Fog UHD

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123 minutes
Christmas Eve in a town amidst the Alps. A 16-year-old Anna vanishes into thin air on her way to a church. The investigation is assigned to Detective Vogel. A month later, allegedly after the accident, he gets to the hospital. There are no traces at the site of the alleged accident but all the detective's clothes are covered with blood, and that's not his blood... The movie is available in UHD format.
Christmas Eve in a town amidst the Alps. A 16-year-old Anna vanishes into thin air on her way to a church. The investigation is assigned to Detective Vogel. A month later, allegedly after the accident, he gets to the hospital. There are no traces at the site of the alleged accident but all the detective's clothes are covered with blood, and that's not his blood... The movie is available in UHD for


Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Ruso, Russian with audio description, Ucraniano, Ukrainian with audio description, Uzbeko