Ant-Man and the Wasp 3D
Ant-Man and the Wasp 3D
IMDb 7.0,
MGG 7.3

Ant-Man and the Wasp 3D

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Full HD
113 minutes
Scott Lang is a former criminal, and now he takes an honoured place in the Avengers team as the Ant-Man. He retired from superhero's work to spend more time with his daughter. However, the villains don't sleep, and the world needs Scott's superpower: he's forced to get into the costume of the Ant-Man, and this time a new superhero the Wasp will be helping him. The movie is available in the 3D format.
Scott Lang is a former criminal, and now he takes an honoured place in the Avengers team as the Ant-Man. He retired from superhero's work to spend more time with his daughter. However, the villains don't sleep, and the world needs Scott's superpower: he's forced to get into the costume of the Ant-Man, and this time a new superhero the Wasp will be helping him. The movie is available in the 3D form


Inglés, Ruso


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Ruso, Russian SDH