Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
IMDb 7.5,
MGG 8.6

Avatar: The Way of Water

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Full HD
184 minutes
After the fateful decision to remain as an avatar of soldiers, Jake Sally undertakes a mission to protect the people na'vi from those who want to profit from the Earth. Now Jake is the leader of this nation. Therefore, when the invaders break into Pandora, he will be ready to fight back with his beloved Neytiri.


Inglés, Bulgarian, Checo, Georgiano, Hungarian, Kazajo, Polish, Rumano, Ruso, Slovak, Ucraniano


Bulgarian, Bulgarian (forced), Checo, Czech (forced), Hungarian, Hungarian (forced), Kazajo, Kazakh (forced), Polish, Polish (forced subtitles), Romanian (forced), Rumano, Ruso, Russian (forced subtitles), Slovak, Slovak (forced), Ucraniano, Ukrainian (forced subtitles)