Match overview

Strasbourg vs Caen

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Full HD
6 minutes

Match date and time: 09.12.18 16:00

Strasbourg will play with Caen in a home match that in the previous season won the last match by chance and did not get to the second division. This season Caen also does not show positive results. The 16th position explains that the guests could not develop the game at the football field. It is expected that Strasbourg will be able to win and get the desired 3 points at its stadium.
Match date and time: 09.12.18 16:00 Strasbourg will play with Caen in a home match that in the previous season won the last match by chance and did not get to the second division. This season Caen also does not show positive results. The 16th position explains that the guests could not develop the game at the football field. It is expected that Strasbourg will be able to win and get the desired 3

