Peppermint UHD
Peppermint UHD
IMDb 6.5,
MGG 6.8

Peppermint UHD

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101 minutes
Riley is the only one who survived after a street shooting. Her husband and daughter were shot by criminals in front of Riley. And although the murders have been detained, the court does not impose strict punishment. Then the heroine decides to take justice into her own hands and avenge her loved ones. Long-term workouts turn Riley into a professional killing machine. The movie is available in UHD format.
Riley is the only one who survived after a street shooting. Her husband and daughter were shot by criminals in front of Riley. And although the murders have been detained, the court does not impose strict punishment. Then the heroine decides to take justice into her own hands and avenge her loved ones. Long-term workouts turn Riley into a professional killing machine. The movie is available in UHD


Inglés, Georgiano, Letón, Lituano, Ruso, Russian with audio description, Ucraniano, Uzbeko


Azerbaiyano, Estonio, Rumano, Ruso, Ucraniano