Bel Canto UHD
Bel Canto UHD
IMDb 5.5,
MGG 6.4

Bel Canto UHD

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96 minutes
Roxanne, an opera diva, is invited to perform at the embassy of Japan on the occasion of the arrival of the famous magnate. However, during her soprano, the mansion is taken over by a guerrilla rebel group demanding the release of their imprisoned comrades. But the authorities are not in a hurry to answer and the situation is only heating up and getting worse. The movie is available in 4K resolution (UHD).
Roxanne, an opera diva, is invited to perform at the embassy of Japan on the occasion of the arrival of the famous magnate. However, during her soprano, the mansion is taken over by a guerrilla rebel group demanding the release of their imprisoned comrades. But the authorities are not in a hurry to answer and the situation is only heating up and getting worse. The movie is available in 4K resoluti


Inglés, Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Ruso, Russian with audio description, Ucraniano


Azerbaiyano, Georgiano, Kirguís, Ruso, Ucraniano