Very Blue Beard
Very Blue Beard
IMDb 7.6,
MGG 8.0

Very Blue Beard

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20 minutes
An old story about an earl named Blue Beard is investigated here. The earl was accused of a cruel murder of his wives. But the detective, whose wife pesters him and is constantly jealous, and moreover provokes brawls with him, meets the earl’s image. The image tells him that all his wives also nagged him and he tolerated that. And Blue Beard’s death wasn’t an accident, since he was stabbed by his last wife’s lover. Everything sounds probable, but the detective tries an evil image on himself.
An old story about an earl named Blue Beard is investigated here. The earl was accused of a cruel murder of his wives. But the detective, whose wife pesters him and is constantly jealous, and moreover provokes brawls with him, meets the earl’s image. The image tells him that all his wives also nagged him and he tolerated that. And Blue Beard’s death wasn’t an accident, since he was stabbed by his

