Finist - The Bright Falcon
Finist - The Bright Falcon
IMDb 6.8,
MGG 8.1

Finist - The Bright Falcon

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74 minutes
A plowman lived in Russia in ancient times, and his name was Finist. He was a strong epic hero, who protected his motherland from foreign invaders. But once, a cunning stooge of a foreign tsar decoyed him into a cave and casted a spell on him! And the hero turned into a terrifying monster. And only a beautiful girl can remove the spell. If she falls in love with him when he looks like that, he will become a prior Sokol again! And then, evil powers will definitely be in trouble!
A plowman lived in Russia in ancient times, and his name was Finist. He was a strong epic hero, who protected his motherland from foreign invaders. But once, a cunning stooge of a foreign tsar decoyed him into a cave and casted a spell on him! And the hero turned into a terrifying monster. And only a beautiful girl can remove the spell. If she falls in love with him when he looks like that, he wil



