Try to Stay Alive...
IMDb 5.5,
MGG 6.5

Try to Stay Alive...

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64 minutes
In the course of a strategic attack of our army in Baltic countries, lieutenant Fomichev’s scouts get a complicated task – to seize and retain a railway bridge before basic forces’ approach. Implementation of this task is connected with huge difficulties: a bridge is well-guarded and moreover, it is mined, which lets destroy it if there is the slightest risk. After crossing the front line, a plane with a group of paratroopers gets damaged and does not reach the appointed airdrop place.
In the course of a strategic attack of our army in Baltic countries, lieutenant Fomichev’s scouts get a complicated task – to seize and retain a railway bridge before basic forces’ approach. Implementation of this task is connected with huge difficulties: a bridge is well-guarded and moreover, it is mined, which lets destroy it if there is the slightest risk. After crossing the front line, a plane




Georgiano, Ruso, Ucraniano