Operation Splitsville
Operation Splitsville
IMDb 4.4,
MGG 6.5

Operation Splitsville

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87 minutes
Two warring gangs of pupils were inexplicably formed in an ordinary school. Among the members of the first gang were children from divorced families, while the second included those whose parents lived happy married life. The children from the first group resort to many different cunnings in order to cause other pupil’s parents to quarrel and thereby expand their own personnel. But how the story would end no one could even imagine.
Two warring gangs of pupils were inexplicably formed in an ordinary school. Among the members of the first gang were children from divorced families, while the second included those whose parents lived happy married life. The children from the first group resort to many different cunnings in order to cause other pupil’s parents to quarrel and thereby expand their own personnel. But how the story w


Inglés, Ruso, Ucraniano


Ruso, Ucraniano