La peau de chagrin
La peau de chagrin
IMDb 6.7,
MGG 7.4

La peau de chagrin

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96 minutes
Raphael de Valentin hit a losing streak. His philosophical manuscript is not accepted for publication, he lost all his savings, and his love, a beautiful dame, rejects him. From the abyss of despair, an ancient artifact – shagreen – saves him. It realizes all human desires, but instead takes the time of his life. And now Raphael has acceptance, money, women, but the knowledge that his watch was on this earth are melting at an enormous speed clouds the sunny existence.
Raphael de Valentin hit a losing streak. His philosophical manuscript is not accepted for publication, he lost all his savings, and his love, a beautiful dame, rejects him. From the abyss of despair, an ancient artifact – shagreen – saves him. It realizes all human desires, but instead takes the time of his life. And now Raphael has acceptance, money, women, but the knowledge that his watch was on


Azerbaiyano, Francés, Ruso, Uzbeko


Ruso, Ucraniano