The Chess Player
IMDb 6.8,
MGG 7.8

The Chess Player

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Full HD
107 minutes
Biographical drama about Fahim Mohammad, who was born in Bangladesh, he won the title of world chess champion among French juniors. Fahim and his father flee to Europe from the armed conflict zone between Bangladesh and India in the spring of 2001. Fahim gets into the group of the best chess coach Sylvain in Paris. The refugee’s victory at the French Children's Chess Championship saves their family from deportation.
Biographical drama about Fahim Mohammad, who was born in Bangladesh, he won the title of world chess champion among French juniors. Fahim and his father flee to Europe from the armed conflict zone between Bangladesh and India in the spring of 2001. Fahim gets into the group of the best chess coach Sylvain in Paris. The refugee’s victory at the French Children's Chess Championship saves their famil


Azerbaiyano, Francés, Ruso


Georgiano, Kirguís, Ruso