Lung fu moon
Lung fu moon
IMDb 6.1,
MGG 6.5

Lung fu moon

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90 minutes
These two brothers are the successors of the ancient Kung Fu schools of Tiger and Dragon. They will stand shoulder to shoulder in the battle against unimaginable evil that threatens the entire world. Only a true hero is able to stop the onslaught of the forces of darkness and to protect those who are much weaker than they are. However, this will not be easy, because the masters have to battle with the immortal one named Black Pagoda.
These two brothers are the successors of the ancient Kung Fu schools of Tiger and Dragon. They will stand shoulder to shoulder in the battle against unimaginable evil that threatens the entire world. Only a true hero is able to stop the onslaught of the forces of darkness and to protect those who are much weaker than they are. However, this will not be easy, because the masters have to battle with


Chinese, Ruso


Ruso, Ucraniano