Fair Play
Fair Play
IMDb 6.1,
MGG 6.6

Fair Play

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98 minutes
Psychology of big business to achieve success creates fierce competition among senior managers in large companies and creates an atmosphere of tension in the team. Bosses and their subordinates make each competition in various sports at weekends. A corporate party in the open air on the background drafting with swimming and climbing that seemed innocent is in fact a biting metaphor of labor relations in modern capitalist society. When the director himself becomes an object of intrigues, he has to save his skin and turns this campaign into a way to blackmail for solutions of his problems.
Psychology of big business to achieve success creates fierce competition among senior managers in large companies and creates an atmosphere of tension in the team. Bosses and their subordinates make each competition in various sports at weekends. A corporate party in the open air on the background drafting with swimming and climbing that seemed innocent is in fact a biting metaphor of labor relati


Francés, Ruso, Ucraniano


Ruso, Ucraniano