Episodio 2
IMDb 7.0,
MGG 8.0

Niccolo Paganini

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62 minutes
Niccolo Paganini is a virtuosic violinist, a composer and a recognized genius in the world of music. He was born in Italy in 1782 in a poor large family and started to be interested in music since his childhood. He gave his first public concert when he was 13. Fame came quickly to him, but his life was far from being careless. Being covered with secrets, it disturbed the minds of men, and the church even organized a persecution for him.
Niccolo Paganini is a virtuosic violinist, a composer and a recognized genius in the world of music. He was born in Italy in 1782 in a poor large family and started to be interested in music since his childhood. He gave his first public concert when he was 13. Fame came quickly to him, but his life was far from being careless. Being covered with secrets, it disturbed the minds of men, and the chur



