Miss millionaire
IMDb 6.1,
MGG 6.3

Miss millionaire

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90 minutes
The 80’s. The time of adjustment. Mass media should provide optimistic, bravura scenes - "time to come!" For example, the birth of a millionth inhabitant. As usual, the event is being prepared in the spirit of "stagnation" so the candidate must be carefully chosen, because she and her millionth baby pledged a three-room apartment. Reporter Gennady Kovalev, who commissions this story, found such a woman and her child was just born. Everything is going well! But a positive story doesn’t come out. A real life has it’s own "director."
The 80’s. The time of adjustment. Mass media should provide optimistic, bravura scenes - "time to come!" For example, the birth of a millionth inhabitant. As usual, the event is being prepared in the spirit of "stagnation" so the candidate must be carefully chosen, because she and her millionth baby pledged a three-room apartment. Reporter Gennady Kovalev, who commissions this story, found such a



