The First Meeting, the Last Meeting
IMDb 7.1,
MGG 7.3

The First Meeting, the Last Meeting

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87 minutes
Petersburg. Week before Christmas on 1914. Law student Peter Chukhontsev practices as a private detective. Eccentric inventor Kuklin died. Moreover, he died in the circumstances that were predicted and simulated as a suicide. It is strange that the police willingly supports this version: normal suicide of abnormal, the case is closed and the body is buried. But Petya’s deductive mind immediately tells him that is a central figure in the crime is "German-pepper-sausage" Stolz who is "The owner of mechanical curiosities exhibition " and adviser of German Embassy Siegfried Gay. And this is are very high and dangerous horizons for student’s dropouts ...
Petersburg. Week before Christmas on 1914. Law student Peter Chukhontsev practices as a private detective. Eccentric inventor Kuklin died. Moreover, he died in the circumstances that were predicted and simulated as a suicide. It is strange that the police willingly supports this version: normal suicide of abnormal, the case is closed and the body is buried. But Petya’s deductive mind immediately t



