The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
IMDb 6.6,
MGG 7.8

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

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Full HD
141 minutes
Under his Spider-Man mask Peter Parker is still saving the world from villains and criminals and spends his free time with his bellowed Gwen. But school time is coming to an end and adulthood is waiting for our hero. Peter remembers that he promised Gwen’s father to leave her in order not to put her life in danger. But it is not as easy as it seems. Fate prepared another surprise for Peter, a new enemy called Electro. Peter will also meet his old friend Harry Osborn and learn a lot about the past of his family.
Under his Spider-Man mask Peter Parker is still saving the world from villains and criminals and spends his free time with his bellowed Gwen. But school time is coming to an end and adulthood is waiting for our hero. Peter remembers that he promised Gwen’s father to leave her in order not to put her life in danger. But it is not as easy as it seems. Fate prepared another surprise for Peter, a new


English , Ukrainian, Russian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Polish


Ukrainian, Russian